Part One:
I’ve been waiting for this day—not just since we bought the tickets, but since we walked out of EDC 2016. I never thought we’d get a second chance. The weight of it presses down on me like a storm cloud. Focus, Peach. What can we control?
“So… What’s going on in here?” Brian asks as she walk in from work, her eyes tracing over the rave bomb that has decimated our living room. Brian isn’t her real name, her real name is Rian but autocorrect masculinizes her name further, so we’ve all sort of ran with it.
“This year I am going to be prepared,” I brag. “I have an item for literally any issue. Test me!”
“Uhm…” Brian humors me as she often does, "Your phone is at 2%”
I pull out a portable charger and charging cable. “Easy,” rolling my eyes at her first trial. “Try something harder.”
“A Demonia baddie just stepped on your foot—your toe is throbbing,” her eyes sharpen and an eyebrow begins to creep up.
Without breaking eye contact, one hand puts up a first aid kit, the other a Tylenol single pack.
Brian leans forward, eyes narrowing., “Gareth Emery himself makes a surprise appearance and you get a chance to meet him. Double surprise, it’s his birthday, and here you are without a birthday present.”
“I think Gareth Emery’s birthday is in July…” I say feigning defeat. Brian’s eyes soften as she smirks. “But…” Brian’s expression drops to intrigue. “I guess I could give him this,” I quipped placing a pin in her hands with the words “Happy Birthday” on it.
Brian snickered. “Well I guess you have everything then. Nothing could possibly go wrong. At least we know it won’t be as bad as last time,” she retorts in a way only a sister could.
I can’t help but side eye her. She isn’t wrong though. “It won’t be like that this time.”
“Trying to convince me… or you?”
“We are different this time around. More mature. Also, I will literally leave Eli’s ass there if he ditches me again.”
“Not that much different, are you? Still not taking me with you,” Brian doesn’t skip a beat, crossing her arms and turning away.
I scoff, “You weren’t even old enough last time! Also Eli, as per usual, grabbed these tickets on a whim, not that I’m complaining,” a big smile creeps across my face.
“Just promise me you’ll call us if you need anything.” Jade interjects from the quiet corner she’s been occupying. My forever voice of reason.
“Of course. Always.” The words come out almost instinctually.
Transitions and Tribulations
“Phone, ID, Debit Card. That’s all you need. Phone, ID, Debit Card. Everything else is just bonus.” I whisper to myself, exhaling slow.
“Uber’s here!” Eli calls from downstairs.
“Coming!” I call from my room.
“Come on!” Eli says bright and enthusiastic. “You look awesome.” He smiles gazing at me come down the stairs. “You ready for this?”
I push out a smile, eyes wide with anxiety. “I’m ready.”
“It’s going to be a blast. Get your cute butt in that car.” Eli opens the door guiding me out.
“Do you have your ID?” I spit out.
“Yes, for the second time,” he sneers. “I have my ID. Do you have yours?”
I start rummaging in my fanny pack. “Yes and my phone, and my debit card.”
“Well perfect, you gotta chill out. We have everything we need.”
My leg is shaking. I am trying to focus on my breath. Deep breaths, hold. I don’t understand why this is hitting me so hard this time around.
“So…” Eli says breaking the glass box I’m building around me. I jump. “You doing okay Peach?”
“I think I’m just a little in my own head. I’ll be okay.”
“Are you still excited to go, at least?”
I nod quickly. The ride goes quiet until we’re on the freeway bumper to bumper.
“Hey Peach, remember when you bumped into the truck in front of us while we were in line to get in the speedway?”
I scrunch my face, my leg falls still. “Of course I do, my truck was overheating, you wouldn’t stop blaring the music, and I gently… tapped the truck in front of us.”
“Oh so you still blame me for that huh?” Eli says with a joking nudge.
I smile, “Yeah I do actually.” We have a soft laugh. “I guess this part always makes me a little nervous.”
“This is the easiest part.” Eli says, trying to be helpful.
We approach the speedway and feel my heart quicken. The Ubers in front of us start letting people out, but we’re not in the unloading zone.
”Let’s get out here,” Eli says to me. “Hey sir, we’ll just hop out right up there, thanks so much!”
“Wait—should we—?” My voice falters as Eli’s already making the call.
“Come on Girl Scout, it’ll be okay. This is way closer to the entrance.”
Frantically, I start checking myself for all my items, and jump out of the Uber. We start walking up to the path.
“My phone,” I breath fast and stop in the street. Eli grabs me pulling me out of the way of traffic.
“Your phone is in your fanny pack Peach,” He lets slip a large sigh.
I let out a long breath. Embarrassed, I apologize.
I don’t want to ruin EDC for us. I need to rally.
“Sorry about all that. I’m rallying.” I smile, determined to fake it until I make it.
Eli softens. "It’s going to be great. We’re gonna have a blast, I promise."
A fun night. The words echo, stretching in my mind like a song on loop, and suddenly I’m 8 years back.
“Eli, it’s going to be fun. Don’t worry about it.”
Eli is unresponsive and defeated. “I just can’t believe I lost it all.”
“It’s really okay though. We have everything we need to have fun. I have you, you have me. We have our phones, IDs, money. We’re good.”
“You don’t get it.” Eli snaps.
“ID?” the security attendant asks. I’m snapped back. I look down at my fanny pack.
Eli nudges me.
“Oh, sorry.” I grab it quickly and place it in her hands.
“You guys have a fun night! Be safe.”
This is always the worst of it. Just this last step and we’re in. I start taking off all my gear: my hydration pack and my fanny pack. I open everything up to ready myself for security.
“You can’t bring these.” The man at security commands as he throws away my Ring Pops.
“Oh I’m sorr—”
“Zip it up you’re good to go,” he cuts me off before I can finish.
I take my hydration pack, get everything hooked back together, and ready myself to walk in.
“You okay?” Eli looks at me with concern.
“They tossed my Ring Pops.” I can’t help but giggle. We start up the hill into the speedway and I start to finally catch my breath.
“Hey guys!” A man runs by next to us, pulling out a full handle of tequila. “I made it in!”
Eli and I look at each other and erupt with laughter. “Ring Pops are too much though.” I chuckle.
We make it to the top. “Where do you want to go first?” Eli asks.
“Oh! I have the lineup and map saved on my phone!” I reach down to my fanny pack, but it isn’t there. “Fuck - My fanny pack!”
Without another word, I bolt back down the hill. Eli starts running behind me, but I lose him.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Everything is lost. The weekend is ruined. Literally every item I need this weekend is in that pack. My heart is racing and so am I.
I’m checking along the way down to see if maybe I dropped it. I finally make it to security. “Looking for this?” The Ring Pop warrior has my fanny pack on his shoulder. “Thought you might come back for it.”
I thank him. Relieved but tired. EDC hasn’t even truly started and I’ve already almost lost everything and Eli.
I start walking back up the hill and a worry creeps into my mind grabbing me. I still haven’t seen Eli, maybe he went in without me. Fun is the name of the game. Maybe he’s already started the party without me.
"Peach!" I hear him before I see him. Then, there he is—waving from halfway up the hill, waiting. He didn't leave.
I nod, “Security had it.”
“Nice. Let’s shake this off and get in there and dance.”
Dance Around It
Peach you can still Rally.
We start our night at Quantum Valley — Paul Oakenfold. Honestly couldn’t be a better set to start the night. I am just not there yet. Every muscle in my body is pushing me out of the moment. My shoulders are higher than my ears.
Eli is dancing. He pulls me in from behind and dances with me. I turn to him.
“One sec,” I mouth, putting up a finger between us.
Eli is puzzled. I gesture to my ear plugs and pop them in. He lets out a small sigh and looks away.
Exhale. Okay, just dance. Eli continues behind me dancing. He reaches out and grabs my hand. Pulls me in. I push out a toothy smile.
“Are you okay?” His face takes on a seriousness that feels all too familiar.
My cheeks heat beneath glasses. I feel my eyes start to boil over.
“It feels like you’re not having any fun.” Eli scoffs. His impatient tone sets off the flood.
He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the crowd.
“I’m sorry!” I blurt out. “I’m trying to have fun. I just can’t reset.”
Eli turns away with a dramatic sigh of aggravation.
Here we go again. His words bleed in through the past, invading the present moment.
“Peach can’t you just rally.”
“Why can’t we just have fun?”
“I don’t pay to come here to sit.”
“I get it Eli” startled he turns back to me, “Go if you want to. Don’t let me get in the way of your fun!”
Eli raises an eyebrow, his mouth open. I can’t tell if he’s confused or pissed, but I cut him off before I can find out.
“If you want to go have fun, then just go have fun Eli! I will sort myself out!”
“What are you even talking about?” His tone rises and he lets out all the air in his chest. His expression drops flat and neutral.
I pause. I’m not sure what to make of this reaction.
“Can I have that please?“ Eli gestures to the pashmina I have tied to my hydration pack. I look down at it. “Please?” His tone is soft as he gently starts to untie it.
He reaches out his hand and I oblige. I haven’t really realized how much we moved in the span of this conversation, but somehow we had made it towards the back of main stage. Eli lays the scarf down like a blanket.
"Sit." His voice is calm, steady—so different from the Eli I expect right now. The command settles my heart rate, but my brain is still racing to catch up. I stare at him, my face tight with confusion, waiting for the part where he gets fed up and leaves. But he doesn’t.
We sit. The beat of the music fades into the background, replaced by the weight of everything unsaid. Eli stares ahead, lost in thought. The silence is deafening.
My instinct is to fill this silence, but I genuinely have no idea what to say before I can start speaking into void, Eli interjects.
“I don’t just want to have fun, Peach,” his tone is serious but not angry. “I mean I do, but… I want to have fun with you. I want you to have fun.” He falls quiet. We sit in the moment for a beat. “This isn’t the same as 2016. I am not the same.”
“I’m sorry Eli,” I soften completely. “I know we’re not the same. I think I’m just scared.”
“You don’t think I’m scared too?” He’s incredulous, toeing the line of irritation, “I feel like this whole weekend is on me. I just want to help you have fun.”
“Well let’s do it then.” I smile reaching my hand out and onto Eli’s thigh.
He looks up to me. His gaze is intense, and it never fails to stop my heart. I could survive a hundred anxious nights on that look in his eyes.
“Thank you, for taking action and helping me. I brought all this stuff, but you really made it into a safe space,” I grab Eli’s hand helping him up to a stand. Shaking out the Pashmina, I begin to tie it back onto my pack. I look back up to Eli and his expression has changed completely. His eyes are wide, transfixed above my head.
“What?” I jump back looking above me in a frantic jolt.
“What is that?” Eli steps back a bit, pointing above me.
I swipe above me terrified, “What is what?”
“You don’t see that?” He takes his hand and moves it above me.
Slowly I begin to see a glow of text above my head.
[Utility GF]
"What the actual fuck?!" I swat at the text like a swarm of bees, but the glowing pixels scatter and reform. “Eli, I swear to god if you slipped me something I will kill you.”
“Peach. I wouldn’t do that—not again…” Eli says sheepishly. “But, maybe it’s not a bad time?” He gives a suggestive grin.
We are distracted as the lights at main stage change and the music begins to build. As if a reward for our realignment. We are just in time for opening ceremony, and positioned beautifully to see it in all it’s glory.
“Did I tell you the theme for this years EDC?” I say gently rubbing my elbow at Eli. He shakes his head. “This years theme is Kinetic Circle, all about how life and everything in it eventually comes full circle.”
“It was meant to be,” Eli grabs my hand as we watch the fireworks and show.
Waypoint Set
“Let’s get situated. Andrew Rayel is about to hit Quantum Valley. We can fill up the hydro. That map of yours have water stations,” Eli jests.
I instantly stand up straight and robotic. Out of me, as automatic as breathing, “Utility GF, set waypoint—” I smack my hands over my mouth.
My body turns in one swift motion, hands still covering my mouth. On the horizon, I see a giant neon blue arrow bouncing above the festival. My eyes widen as look over to Eli.
Eli bursts into laughter. “What the fuck was that, Peach?” He’s huddled over, hysterical.
As I pull my hands away, I try to speak but other words pour out of me I can’t control “Waypoint: Water Station.” As the words leave my lips a swift gust of wind starts to build around me. It feels like I’m about to be swept up by a river’s current. Underneath my feet I see a glowing square. There’s a tingling in my legs that suggests I’m not going to be guiding this ship here in a second.
Without hesitation, I grab Eli’s hand and the wind forms a tunnel around us. Our feet are grounded but we are moving in sync with the world around us. The neon squares illuminate the path in front of us heading bee line for the blue arrow. The pace is swift, but I can’t help but think it’s actually kind of fun. The music from the stages around us fades in an out and it’s impossible not to admire all the beautiful designs and art installations on the way. The people around us seem oblivious to our new discoveries. Gentle hush’s of “Excuse me” and “Pardon” are echoing around us and we’re obliging the same.
We arrive in front of the water station and a loud “Ping!” grabs our attention.
P1 - Achievement Unlocked: Skill [Waypoint Navigation]
As the words appear, I feel a pulse through my body.
The words glow in the sky over the festival. “Seems like your weird software update came with bonus features,” Eli snarks. “You think it can set waypoint for tacos?”
I begin to feel another involuntary breath coming on that I try to cough out, “Let’s not test it just yet,” I chuff.
We open up the hydration pack and Eli goes up to fill the bladder and returns. As I zip up the compartment, another “Ping!” rings above us. Eli appears to feel a pulse as another one moves through my body.
[Quest Complete - Hydration Secured]
“Wait!” I point at Eli, “You felt it this time too!”
“WOAH!” Eli shouts, running his hands along his check and stomach. His eyes go wide, bigger than I’ve ever seen. He lets out a deep exhale and giggles, “It was like a wave of electricity jolted through my bones.”
”Right? It’s not unpleasant, but I don’t love the losing control of my body thing,” I let out a nervous sigh and smile.
“Not to be that guy, Peach, but I was like 60% sure you'd finally lost it and dragged me into one of your quirky little games. But that? That was real.”
“Of course it was real! There are words hovering in the sky Eli! You think I can control that?”
“I don’t know what you can control Utility GF,” his sassy, mocking tone is light and flirty.
I scrunch up my nose and wiggle my face at him. “To be fair though, the words are hovering over the festival, but no one else even looks up at them. It’s like they can’t see it. That’s weird right?”
“Yeah sure, weird. What’s weirder though is that you get a little title and I don’t. You’re not even good at video games.” I can tell Eli wants me to take this as a joke, but we both know he’s actually a little offended.
“Oh, I don’t know cutie. I guess you’re just not… Player One material.” The curl of my lip and the gentle shrug of my shoulder causes Eli’s face to do “the thing.” I smirk at my accomplishment.
“The thing” is when Eli’s face suddenly drops from his normal animated expression to a slight annoyed frown and expressionless eyes. It is my favorite.
“You know what, I can’t believe you went there.” Eli wags his finger as he talks. I laugh and start to head my way back to Quantum Valley. “How dare you! You know I am way better at games than you,” Eli calls trying to keep my pace.
“I guess the festival doesn’t care that you were the best Halo player in the state,” I snicker back to him as I keep walking forward.
Little Squares
As we near the entrance to Quantum Valley, Eli’s pocket begins to glow. At first, it’s so faint I mistake it for a reflection, but the closer we get to the stage, the brighter it grows. A gentle hum follows.
“Eli, your pocket.” I am intrigued, but honestly growing less surprised as the night continues.
He reaches in his pocket and places his closed hand out in front of us. The light is creeping out between his knuckles. The electric hum buzzes like a lightbulb about to burst.
When he opens his hands a blinding light pulses and left behind are two glowing squares, each embossed with a rocket ship.
Text illuminates in front of the little squares.
Ready to take a trip?
“I think it wants us to eat the little squares,” Eli says excited and matter of fact.
My head whips in his direction. 'Of course you think that, Eli.' I roll my eyes, but a smile creeps up my face. “Anything in the name of fun.”
“Hey, I’ll only take it if you do—this time…” Eli states with a wash of embarrassment.
“Well at least put it down or something,” a jolt of panic invades my chest.
"You think anyone else can see this? I’m asking."
“Eli don’t—,” but before I can even contest, he’s off. I follow up behind.
“Hey excuse me, do you see these little squares in my hands?” Eli has no fear at raves. He’s disarming and friendly. People are always excited to engage with him.
“Oh… Do you see the little squares in your hands?” The man is wearing an Andrew Rayel jersey and bunny hat with floppy ears.
Another man in white fuzzy suspenders, and a tiny white shorts comes up behind him, “What’s this about tiny little squares? Are we sharing?”
Both men giggle. The man with the bunny hat responds light and breezy, “I don’t see any squares buddy, but if you find some keep us posted.”
“You guys have a fun night, Stay hydrated,” the man in the white shorts retorts sweetly.
Eli thanks the men, puts the squares in his pocket, and we all trade kandi. As they walk off one says to the other, “I remember my first doing ‘little squares’ at a festival.”
“See Peach, no one sees the squares, they can’t be dangerous if they’re not even real.”
I step back. “Eli we can’t… this feels like a bad idea.”
“That’s not fair. You’re just mad the game gave them to me. Maybe the game just likes me more now.”
I cannot roll my eyes hard enough at this statement.
“I think we have to Peach,” his smile grows.
I knows this look. No getting out of it.
I hesitate, my pulse quickening. This is stupid, right? But I already know—if I don’t, Eli will never let it go.
With a deep breath, I snatch a square out of his hand and put it up to my open mouth. Eli follows right behind me. It pixelates and sparkles of dust start to cover my face and travel down my body. I feel the tickle of the sparkles on my skin like a warm rain, but it slowly dissipates.
“Weird— Is that it?” I shrug.
“Maybe that’s it. Maybe the game is over.” Eli grabs my hand because Andrew Rayel is about to go on.
We both have been excited to see him tonight. He’s made the playlist many times.
Stars Collide
We walk in right as Andrew Rayel is introducing his set to the crowd. Perfect timing.
"It is, EDC Las Vegas. Right here. Right now. This is the future. Are you guys ready to face the future?"
The question feels pointed. I have spent enough of tonight locked into the past. I am open, and I am ready to face the future. Or at least live in the present moment.
Eli scrunches his nose and gets his game face on. He taps me on the shoulders, hyping me up. “Can you believe we are here?” He’s dancing us through the crowd.
I dance along behind him. I love seeing him like this, in his element. He catches the vibe and carries us through it. Something is different this time.
The lights feel brighter, almost stretching into the air like liquid. The crowd moves in sync, as if drawn by invisible strings. As Eli dances, streaks of light burst from him, trailing behind and weaving into the energy of the festival.
I blink hard. Is this real? Or am I finally giving in to the moment?
Our steps synchronize with the tempo. I’ve always joked that trance makes me feel like I’m on a mission in space, but now—the joke is becoming reality.
"Are you feeling any different?" I question Eli, who is too busy dancing.
The bass swells, vibrating through my chest. The crowd blurs at the edges.
The music swells. Something is happening.
The energy in the room is revving up. Synchronicities ebb and flow as the crowd waves in and out of tempo. Andrew Rayel is relentless, there are barely enough moments to breathe let alone relax. He has the crowd in the palm of his hand.
It’s impossible to tell if we have been dancing for 5 mins or 5 hours.
Andrew Rayel takes the microphone again, and I feel a sense of excitement jump through my circuitry.
“EDC, are you guys ready to jump with me? Are you guys ready to jump with me?!”
I turn to Eli, excited for wherever this ship plans to take us.
The bass is deep, keeping perfect time. I feel my feet lift from beneath me. Everyone is jumping in rhythm with the music.
Thump, thump, thump, thump.
My heart syncs to the beat and melts into the moment. Eli and I jump together. The lights around us like stars flashing by as we come up to speed with the beat. A familiar voice calls from the lights.
“Let’s get lost in time…”
The beat continues to push us through the lights around us. The tunnel forming around us all draws closer.
“Run away to a world where no one can find us.”
Eli and I exchange a knowing smile.
“Leave it all behind,”
Eli sings this line looking into my eyes. He means more than just tonight.
“Together we'll make our dreams come alive”
The beat’s steady current drives us forward, and suddenly, gravity means nothing.
“Side by side we'll face the darkest nights”
The world around us melts into streaks of color, and we are falling, flying, spinning—all at once.
“So we can see the light, just you and I”
The tunnel narrows and at the end a brightness we can’t make out just yet.
“We can be our own reality”
His gaze deepens into me in pure adoration.
“I'll go anywhere as long as it's with you”
I sing this line back to Eli, with the same look or adoration.
He hugs me in closer. Singing each line as if they are a promise.
“Let's get lost in time
Leave it all behind
So put your hand in mine”
He grabs my hand and holds it on his chest.
“Watch our stars collide
Can't deny the truth
My heart beats for only you
So put your hand in mine
Watch our stars collide”
“This song always made me think of you. There are so many songs that made me think of you over the years.” Eli says pulling me in close.
I nod, eyes slowly swelling up.
The music crescendos and pushes us into the light. A burst of light opens into a new plane. Motifs of moments lost and moments that have yet to happen. We are swirling through space dancing through streaks of light and color.
Our eyes magnets, an unbroken force between them. In an instant, I am grounded in place and flying through time. Floating. Moments fly and my soul catches softly in each one. I am here in his arms and in every moment so far and yet to come.
Classroom meetings and school girl crushes.
Deep messages, with deeper meanings.
Fleeting moments and unspoken truths.
Nights in bed, wishing it was you.
Car conversations and vulnerable moments.
Wondering if you were listening too.
Headlights illuminating fragile confessions.
Singing at the top of our lungs.
Laughing until we cried,
And crying until there were no tears left.
I feel like I always knew.
Platonic soulmates, facades and insecurity.
I knew it, but I didn’t know it was true for you too.
Every moment his eyes looked at me the way they are now.
The music swells, my heart tightens with every note. Eli puts his head to mine.
“I love you,” Eli leans into a kiss.
“Watch our stars collide.”
Each fleeting moment spirals around us, dissolving into the ether as we sink into the present—just us, just here, just now.
“I love you too, Eli.”
Follow the Vibes
We exit the out the crowd and— “Ping!”
[Quest Complete - Interportal Dimension Shifting]
“Well that was definitely better than I had imagined.” I say in open area.
An awkward grin grows across Eli’s face. “Well I don’t know if I should be offended or flattered.”
“I meant the set Eli,” we laugh.
“Do you think all of that was from the squares? It felt way too real—or does that sound crazy?”
“It sounds crazy,” Eli makes a concerned face and my stomach tightens. “But—it actually felt like we actually did travel through space.”
“We’ve done a lot of things, in a lot of places, but that wasn’t the same feeling at—”
“BLUMP!” A gelatinous sound radiates in front of us as we crash into seemingly nothing at all.
We are taken aback but nothing appears in front of us.
We notice a couple headbanging together as they walk from the bar and they are about to cross the barrier.
“Wait!” Eli says trying to stop them. They cross before he can and they turn to us. “Oh… Sorry never mind. Thought I dropped something.”
They sweetly nod and carry on.
Eli tries to walk forward again.
As I watch Eli gently bounce backwards, I see a red ripple of light leave the point of impact.
“Woah—Eli, look,” I point up above him. The ripple of light continues all the way up before slowly fading out. I reach out to touch the invisible wall and text appears.
[Vibe Channel - Bass Current - Wobble Hollow]
“What do you think that means? What’s a Wobble Hollow? Is that a new stage?!” Eli’s already amped to go.
“It’s not on my map. What is a “vibe channel” and why cant we use it?”
“Hmm. This is new.” Eli picks up his arm to show me under his ticket wristband.
[REALM: Eternal Pulse - Euphoria Stargate]
The words glow from his skin like a UV tattoo.
“This game doesn’t explain much does it,” I sigh.
People in the festival are moving around us normally. As I look, I’m realizing there are more and more of these wall up. Rainbows of ripples layering as people bump into the different channels. No one seems to notice, they just casually change course when bumping into one.
“Eli,” I gesture his attention up to a group of headliners all dressed in Zomboy jerseys, “I don’t know what a bass current is, but I’m willing to bet they’re on it.”
Eli’s eyes light up like a light bulb went off in his head. “Hey! I love your jerseys!” Eli runs up toward the group and I follow behind. “I saw Zomboy back in 2016! Amazing, best set of the weekend.”
My stomach twists for just a second. 2016. That year. That night. I push it away before Eli notices.
“Is he playing tonight?” Eli asks the group.
“Yeah, man! That’s where we’re going. He’s coming on next,” one of the bassheads responds.
Eli’s makes an excited gesture pointing towards bassPod. “Wanna catch Zomboy?” For just a split second, a look of realization flattens Eli’s expression.
I decide to act like nothing is wrong, “Absolutely!” I push out with a convincing smile.
“We’re always willing to caravan a couple of bassheads. You can follow us,” another member of their group chimes in.
As Eli and I follow behind the group, I notice we are approaching another possible channel. The group makes it over, and I drop to my knees.
“Sorry! Have to—tie my shoe,” I shout unnaturally.
Eli crouches next to me. “What are you doing weirdo?” He whispers and starts to tie my shoe for me.
“Look,” I whisper back. “I think the red ripples are all bass channels. It won’t let us pass.”
“You heard the guy, we’re bassheads. Come on, just trust it.”
Eli’s words make me cautiously trusting.
One of the bassheads comes over to check on us and under his breath says, “Hey, are you guys worried about the vibe channels?”
Eli and I look at each other and back at the basshead.
“Don’t worry. Your vibes will check out this time. You guys are cool.”
Eli helps me up and takes my hand as we step toward the threshold. There’s a faint hum in my ears, a static charge tingling over my skin, the ripples stall for a moment and the resistance is growing—like the air before a big drop in a song. For a moment I don’t think we’ll make it through. Then—
Everything shifts.
Inside, the world takes on a red hue. The bass feels deeper, heavier, as if it’s resonating in my chest. The ground magnetizes your steps to the vibration of the modulators. I can feel my heart beat like the thump of a subwoofer.
“So you can see them too? Can all of you?” Eli asks the basshead.
“Well I can, Cindy thinks I just take too many drugs.” He says loud for Cindy to hear him, then continues at a whisper, “I take exactly the right amount of drugs.”
“What are the channels for?”
“Well I’m not sure exactly. My best guess has been to keep the right kind of people at the right kind of stages. Like a vibe filtration system.”
“An ethereal vibe check,” Eli says squinting his eyes and nodding his head.
“Exactly, the colors all fit different vibes. Red leads to wubz so I just follow them around.” He lifts his wristband to show us his glowing mark.
[REALM: Thunderbass - Wobble Hollow]
"So if the channels are like highways, does that mean the realms are… destinations?"
"Or maybe they’re like different versions of EDC layered on top of each other?"
[Mission Complete - Vibe Check]
The game distracts us from the question, as we are drawn in by the base.
The crowd at Zomboy’s set is amazing. Eli and I were reluctant to bassPod this year. Eli was convinced we outgrew it, but it was like being back in your childhood home. If your childhood home was inside of a very sploinky speaker system.
“So are you playing the game?” Eli asks the basshead.
“Game?” He looks at us both confused. We return the look.
“Yeah, like are you are player too? Do you have a player title?” I point to the ever present reminder that I brought too many items to this festival.
[Utility GF]
His look of confusion remains as his eyes look above my head and back at my face.
“The glowing white text? You don’t see that?” I urge.
“Perhaps, I was mistaken… I don’t take enough drugs—, what have you guys been doing?” The basshead smiles.
“She probably just needs some more water,” Eli says grabbign my shoulders. “Thank you for all your help man.” Before we head deeper into the crowd, Eli extends out his hand in a peace sign and they exchange bracelets.
“Have a good time! Don’t party too hard,” the basshead calls out to us.
The call Of the Bass
Thunderbass, bass currents, the call of the modulators—It was all too perfect. Eli and I were so wrong. Maybe we haven’t outgrown this.
“Are we missing anyone being over here?” Eli said mid-headbang.
I pull out my phone too look at the schedule. A tight grimace crosses my face.
“No… Who?” Eli closes his eyes and looks away.
“Well—Armin went on about half an hour ago.”
“But Zomboy?” Eli gestures up to the stage with a questioning smile.
“You sort of owe me,” I say with a forgiving tone.
”I shouldn’t have gone about things they way I did that night Peach.” His eye contact with me is sincere.
“We’re both a lot different than we were eight years ago.”
“I have a lot more fun when I’m with you. You’re a blast.”
“Thanks Eli,” I pull him in for a hug. “If you catch another vibe channel, I bet we can get over to Armin to finish his set.”
“We’ll have to dance our way out of this crowd first. I think I learned something new.” Eli lowers his center of gravity and starts moving with bass low to the ground. “You see those waves.” Eli’s squinting and bobbing to the music.
I’m not seeing anything, but trying to look deeper into the crowd. “I don’t think so.”
“I saw them during Andrew Rayel too. I didn’t know what the were, but I think they may have helped me guide us out.”
“I don’t see them, but I trust you. Get us out of here cutie!”
We are moving through the crowd faster than ever. We are dancing and people dance with us as we move in sync to the energy.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey!” A girl with thick black and pink braids pumps us up as we pass in the crowd.
A man in an Excision flat back grabs onto Eli’s hand and headbangs with him for moment before we pass.
We are moving faster than ever through the crowd and enjoying everyone along the way. When we finally reach the back of the crowd—
P2 - Achievement Unlocked: Skill [Dance Travel]
In the sky above us another achievement unlocks, shining bright and fading out.
“Player 2! That’s probably why I can’t see them. I don’t have that skill!”
“So—I can gain skills but I still don’t have a player role?” Eli looks dejected.
“Maybe if we keep building skills, we’ll figure out what your role is!” I try to cheer him up.
“Yeah. Maybe.” Eli lets the silence sit for a moment before taking a deep breath and perking himself up. “Okay! Speaking of skills, hows the water looking. May not hurt to get topped off. We can turn on your weird android mode and kill two birds with one stone!”
“Sure, but what about Armin?”
“Honestly, we’ll vibe our way that way after. I would rather make sure we’re taken care of first.” Eli says firm grabbing my hand.
“Okay! Utility GF: Set Waypoint, Waypoint: Water station!” I say loud and proud.
Even faster than before the wind kicks up around us and we are breezing to the nearest station. The crowd sees us moving quickly and happily accommodates us as Eli expresses kind vibes to those we pass.
We fill up our pack and are ready to catch a vibe over to main stage to see whatever is left of Armin.
“What kind of channel do you think we’re looking for?” I ask Eli as we look out into the crowd.
Eli reaches out to touch one of the channels in front of us.
[Vibe Channel - Rhythm Current - Sync City]
“So we have Rhythm and Bass. Seems logical.” Eli snorts, “Which do you think Armin is?”
“I want to say Trance is more rhythm than bass, but honestly isn’t everything rhythm and bass.”
“I’m still not understanding these other names. Are they stages? Are they—”
“Genres?” Our eyes meet each other as I finish his thought. “Wobble Hollow led us to Zomboy. That is definitely dubstep!”
“What was the one we came from earlier? Star something?” Eli starts moving around the paths looking at each.
[Vibe Channel - Bass Current - Breakbeat Barrens]
Not that one.
[Vibe Channel - Rhythm Current - Euphoria Stargate]
“Stargate! That’s it!” Eli exclaims.
And before I can even process the discovery, we are sucked into the vibe channel.
This time everything takes on a magenta hue. There’s a driving rhythm that syncs with the rhythm of your heart. I can almost feel the wind picking up beneath me. It feels like I’m on my own little rocket ship slowly flying through space. I grab my rave fan in both hands horizontally in front of me like handlebars and they transform into a little rocket ship. Through the crowd I can feel the steady melody develop around me, and before we know it, we’ve made it back to main stage for the last few songs of Armin Van Buren’s set.
As Armin closes with “Lose This Feeling” I look to Eli and say, “I’m sorry we missed so much of it, I know you wanted to see him too.”
“Honestly, anywhere with you, here at EDC, feels exactly where we’re meant to be. I just want to keep catching vibes with you.”
In that moment, the big owl takes over at main stage once again.
“Fireworks” I can’t help but laugh at this point.
“Guess we’re right on time again.” Eli puts his arms around me from behind as we watch the firework show together.
“Peach… your thing,” Eli points to my role ID above my head, “it’s pulsing.”
I look up above me and he’s right. Maybe it’s a new mechanic the game wants to show me. I click it with my finger. As I do, a menu pops up in front of me.
Role Perks:
Trinket Cache
Waypoint Navigation
Eli’s face takes on a somber look. He looks up above him, but nothing is there. He tries clicking anyway and—
[Role Undefined]
Err 404
Dance Travel
“Undefined,” Eli sighs, “sounds about right.”
“I’m sure we’ll figure out your role soon Eli.”
“I swear I did just as much as you did back there.” His voice is even, but his shoulders tense as he speaks.
I don’t know how to respond. He’s right. We navigated together, danced our way through together, played along together. But the game doesn’t see it that way.
Maybe you’re supposed to get your own soon?”
“Yeah.” He forces a smirk. “Maybe.”
But the words are hollow.
Before I can say anything else, a girl stumbles toward us, her LED boots flickering as she wobbles to a stop. Her cheeks are flushed, her breathing unsteady. “Sorry,” she laughs, though her voice is strained. “I think I overdid it.”
Eli and I exchange a glance. We’ve been here before.
“Here,” I say, instinct taking over. I reach for one of my kandi bracelets, it’s glowing. I place it at the top of my wrist. The beads read “RADIANCE.”
I extend a peace signed hand out to her. I feel a pulse as our fingers touch. She reacts like she feels it too. Another pulse as we change our hands to create a heart, and another as we interlock fingers. I slide the soft, stretchy band off my wrist and onto hers. “Take this. May it bring you some light back.” It glows on her wrist.
For a moment, nothing else happens. Then—
A breath of fresh air seems to wash over her. Her posture straightens, her skin regains color, and her LED boots flicker back to life. She blinks, eyes wide. “Whoa.”
“Whoa,” Eli echoes, watching the scene unfold.
The girl grins at me. “Thank you. Seriously.” She squeezes my hand before bouncing back into the crowd, her energy restored.
[Skill Activated - Trinket Ties]
I exhale, the warmth in my chest pulsing again.
Eli rubs the back of his neck. “Okay. That was—” He pauses, eyes darting toward his wrist again. Still nothing.
I see it now—the flicker of frustration beneath his usual easygoing front.
I reach for another bracelet. “Here. Maybe if you—”
He shakes his head before I can finish. “No, Peach.” His voice is quiet but firm. “It’s different. That’s your thing.”
I hesitate, but he’s already stepping back, tilting his head toward the next section of the festival. “Come on. Let’s see what else we can find.”